Course Progress (0%)
Welcome to this writing for wellbeing course preview 👋
You won't be able to click on the audio lessons or most of the links but you'll be able to get a feel for the teaching method and overall experience. Happy browsing.      

Useful links:

📧  Send Clare a question
📓  Guide to expressive writing
🌻 Support contact list

📺 TedX Talk: change your story
The course costs £50

🎧 5-min audio lessons x4
📗 custom designed workbooks x4
🔎 guide to expressive writing x1
💡 reflections and tips x4
✒️ in-depth writing experiments x6
🎈 interviews with creators x4
📧 email support from Clare Barry

REGISTER NOW to receive £10 off

👉 Start Here

This writing for wellbeing course is for self-discovery ie no homework or deadlines, no worries about publication or other people's...


📍 Week 1, Place

When we identify old stories and understand past experiences with a fresh perspective, we can rewrite our future and flourish. Our theme...


⌛ Week 2, Time

Creative writing, expressive writing, experimental writing and reflective writing - these all engage a part of us we fail to notice when...


🧭 Week 3, Journey

What insights and epiphanies have you had so far? Are you seeing things differently in your creative life and in your connection to your...


🌱 Week 4, Elements

Welcome to the final lesson of Writing the City. You made it! This week we're thinking about the elements of nature. Why? Because we,...


✨ Next Steps

This beautiful shadow is of the steps at the British Library. It was a moment of interest I might easily have missed in the rush from...